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Basic HTML Document Structure

An HTML document comprises of elements that defined using HTML tags. An HTML tag usually written in pair. It means that the element has an opening tag and a closing tag with the same name as the element. They are written by enclosing the name of the element between < and > symbols. The opening tag encloses the name with < and >, while the closing tag has an extra / symbol appended after the < symbol. Between the opening tag and closing tag, you can provide a value that either a plain string or another HTML element.

Basic HTML Example

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Each HTML element in the HTML document represents an element in Web page that rendered in the Web browser. For example, the following is the list of HTML elements used in the example along with the explanation of their purpose:

  • <html>: The main element (or, the root element) of the document where every other elements must become the child of this element. If you are taking or have taken data structures course, <html> serves as the root of a HTML document that follows a tree data structure.
  • <head>: Contains the information/metadata about the website.
    • <meta>: Defines the additional information to be parsed by the Web browser when rendering the page.
    • <title>: Defines the title of the website.
  • <body>: Contains the elements that represent the contents and layout of the website.