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Assignment 5: Web Design using HTML, CSS, and CSS Framework

Platform-Based Programming (CSGE602022) — Organized by the Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia, Odd Semester 2023/2024

Assignment Description

In this assignment, you have to implement web design using several things that you have learned in the tutorial (CSS, framework, etc.).

Checklist for this assignment is as follows:

  • Customize the HTML templates that you have created in Assignment 4 using CSS or any CSS framework (Bootstrap, Tailwind, Bulma, etc.):

    • Customize login, register, and add item page as creative as possible.
    • Customize the inventory list page so it becomes more attractive, either by adding colors or using another approach (such as Cards) to show the items, or both.
  • Answer the following questions in the in the root folder (add new subheadings for each assignment).

    • Explain the purpose of some CSS element selector and when to use it.
    • Explain some of the HTML5 tags that you know.
    • What are the differences between margin and padding?
    • What are the differences between the CSS framework Tailwind and Bootstrap? When should we use Bootstrap rather than Tailwind, and vice versa?
    • Explain how you implemented the checklist above step-by-step (not just following the tutorial).
  • Perform add-commit-push to GitHub.


The deadline for Assignment 5 is Wednesday, 4th October, 2023, at 12:00 p.m.

We will check the last commit of the lab assignment repository, so you do not need to submit the repository link separately


You will gain bonus points for this assignment if you implement the following feature.

  • Give a different color (foreground or background) to the last item of your inventory list using CSS.