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Assignment 7: Basic Elements of Flutter

Platform-Based Programming (CSGE602022) — Organized by the Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia, Odd Semester 2024/2025

Assignment Description

On this assignment, you will implement an application that you created using Flutter based on some of the things you have learned during the tutorial.

The checklist for this assignment is as follows:

  • Create a new Flutter application with the E-Commerce theme that matches the previous assignments.
  • Create three simple buttons with icons and texts for:
    • Viewing the product list (View Product List)
    • Adding a product (Add Product)
    • Logout (Logout)
  • Implement different colors for each button (View Product List, Add Product, and Logout).
  • Display a Snackbar with the following messages:
    • "You have pressed the View Product List button" when the View Product List button is pressed.
    • "You have pressed the Add Product button" when the Add Product button is pressed.
    • "You have pressed the Logout button" when the Logout button is pressed.
  • Answer the following questions in in the root folder.
    • Explain what are stateless widgets and stateful widgets, and explain the difference between them.
    • Mention the widgets that you have used for this project and its uses.
    • What is the use-case for setState()? Explain the variable that can be affected by setState().
    • Explain the difference between const and final keyword.
    • Explain how you implemented the checklist above step-by-step.
  • Perform add-commit-push to GitHub.


The deadline for Assignment 7 is Wednesday, November 6th 2024, 12.00pm.

Please submit the repository link to the provided submission slot on SCELE.