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Assignment 1: Essay about Platform-Based Development

Note: The assignment specification is taken from the course's SCELE. If there is a disrepancy in the specification written in this website, the one written at SCELE takes precedence.

8 September 2022 05.00.00 UTC (0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds left)

Before you start working on actual source code, you need to look further on the field of platform-based development. Do some research on the subject and report it in a written essay.

The essay should answer the following questions:

  1. What is a platform?
  2. How a software is developed and run on a platform?
  3. What is Web platform and mobile platform?
  4. Mention some of Web platforms and mobile platforms you found in the wild (Internet)
  5. Based on your findings from (4), do analysis and comparison to see:
    1. Which one is the "best" for building Web application and mobile application? Please be specific on the criteria being used when comparing the platforms
    2. Which one is the easiest to use and learn by beginners in Web and mobile development?
  6. How the Web platforms and mobile platforms you found in (4 - 5) are able to be integrated and provide functionalities to its users?

The criteria for the essay:

  • Minimum 1000 words, excluding bibliography
  • The essay consists of an introductory paragraph, content, conclusion, and also a bibliography
  • The essay is typed by using text editor or office suite (e.g. Google Docs, Microsoft Word)
  • The written essay is exported to a PDF file (.pdf) prior to submission to SCELE.
  • The file name format of the PDF file must match the following rule: StudentID_YourName_Assignment1.pdf
    • For example: 2106123456_RickeyAstley_Assignment1.pdf

The essay will be graded by using this grading rubric (click).