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Assignment 7: Flutter Basic Elements

Platform-Based Development (CSGE602022) - Organized by Faculty of Computer Science University of Indonesia, Odd Term 2022/2023

Assignment Description

In this assignment, you will implement some of the basic elements of Flutter.

The checklist for this assignment is as follows.

  • Create a new Flutter program with the name counter_7.

  • Change the program interface to be as below.

    Counter App

  • Implement the following logic in the program.

    • The + button adds a number by one unit.
    • Button - reduces the number by one unit. If counter is 0, then the - button has no effect on counter.
    • If counter is odd, the indicator text changes to "ODD" in blue.
    • If counter is even, the indicator text changes to "EVEN" in red.
    • The number 0 is considered an even number.
  • Answer the following questions on in the root folder.

    • Explain what is meant by stateless widget and stateful widget and explain the difference between them.
    • Mention what widgets you use in this project and explain their functions.
    • What is the function of setState()? Explain what variables can be affected by the function.
    • Explain the difference between const and final.
    • Explain how you implement the checklist above.
  • Do add-commit-push to a new repository on GitHub. You can name your new repository by pbp-flutter-lab.


Deadline for Assignment 7:

10 November 2022 05.00.00 UTC (0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds left)

Please submit the repository link you are using into the submission slot provided on SCELE.


You will get bonus points on this assignment if you make the following feature.

  • Hide the - button if counter is 0.