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Assignment 6 : JavaScript and AJAX

Platform-Based Programming (CSGE602022) - organized by Faculty of Computer Science University of Indonesia, Odd Term 2022/2023

Assignment Description

In this assignment, you will implement AJAX in the todolist functionality that you have made in assignment 4 and 5.

Checklist for this assignment is as follows:

  • Alter the assignment that you have previously made in assignment 4 using AJAX.

    • AJAX GET

      • Create a view that returns the whole data task in the form of JSON.
      • Create a path containing /todolist/json that redirects to the new view that you've just made
      • Do the AJAX GET method to get the list of task.

      • Create an Add Task button that opens to a modal with a form to add new tasks.

        To learn further about Bootstrap (v5.2) modal, please read the given documentations: Modal · Bootstrap v5.2.

    • Create a view to add new tasks into the database.

    • Create a path containing /todolist/add that redirects to the new view that you've just made.

    • Connect the form that you have made in the modal to the /todolist/add path.

    • Close the modal after succesfully adding the task.

    • Do a page refresh on the main page asyncronically to show the latest list without having to reload the entire page.

  • Answer the following questions on the README-TWO.mdfile inside the todolist folder.

    • Describe the difference between asynchronous programming with synchronous programming.
    • When Implementing JavaScript and AJAX, there is an application in the paradigms of Event-Driven Programming. Describe the reasoning for those paradigms and state some examples of its application.
    • Describe the implementation of asynchronous programming in AJAX.
    • Explain how you would implement the checklist above.


Deadline for Assignment 6:

13 Oktober 2022 05.00.00 UTC (0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds left)

The teaching assistant will check the last commit of the lab assignment repository, so you do not need to submit the repository link into the submission slot.


You will get bonus points on this assignment assessment if you create the following features.

  • Adding a delete functionality using AJAX DELETE.
    • Create a column with a delete button in the task feature.
    • Create a view that deletes the task that contains a certain ID.
    • Create a /todolist/delete/{id} path that takes an ID from the path and forwards it to the view.
    • Create a JavaScript function that calls the endpoint of task deletion.
    • Do a refresh in the main page asyncronically that shows the latest list without reloading the entire page