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Assignment 5: Web Design Using HTML, CSS, and CSS Framework

Platform-Based Programming (CSGE602022) - Organized by Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia, Odd Term 2022/2023

Assignment Description

In this assignment, you will be implementing HTML, CSS, setting up static files in Django, and some of the things you have learned during the tutorial lab.

The Checklist for this assignment is as follows:

  • Customize the HTML template created in Task 4 using CSS or a CSS framework (such as Bootstrap, Tailwind, Bulma) with the following conditions:

  • Customize the templates for the login, register, and create-task pages as attractive as possible.

  • Customize the main page todo list using cards. (One card contains one task).

  • Make all four customized pages become responsive.

    CSS documentation on Media Query can be accessed through here

  • Answer the following questions in in the todolist folder.

    • What is the difference between Inline, Internal, and External CSS? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each style?
    • Describe the HTML5 tags that you know.
    • Describe the types of CSS selectors you know.
    • Explain how you would implement the checklist above.


Deadline for Task 5:

6 Oktober 2022 05.00.00 UTC (0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds left)

The teaching assistant will check the last commit of the lab assignment repository, so you do not need to collect the repository link into the submission slot.


You will get bonus points on this assignment assessment if you create the following features.

  • Adding an effect when doing a hover on the cards on the main todolist page.

Motivation: By completing the bonus feature, you have learned how to create animation on HTML using CSS.