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Tutorial 2: Form and Data Delivery

Platform-Based Programming (CSGE602022) — Organized by the Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia, Odd Semester 2024/2025

Learning Objectives

After completing this tutorial, students are expected to be able to:

  • Understand the purpose and how to implement the skeleton of a view
  • Understand XML and JSON as one of the data delivery methods
  • Understand how data submission is done using the form element in HTML
  • Understand how to send data using the XML and JSON format
  • Understand how to retrieve data based on a specific ID
  • Understand the use of Postman as a data viewer

Introduction to Data Delivery

In the development of a platform, sometimes we need to send data from one stack to another. Data that is sent can be of many different types. Some commonly used data formats between different applications are HTML, XML, and JSON. The implementation of data delivery in the form of HTML has already been covered in the previous tutorial. In this tutorial, we will cover data delivery in the form of XML and JSON.

XML (Extensible Markup Language)

XML, or eXtensible Markup Language, is a format that is designed to be easy to read, because each element in XML describes itself. XML is commonly used in web and mobile applications for storage and transmission of data. An XML file only contains data in a specific tag, and to send, receive, store, or display information from the file, we need to create a program that can process it.

XML Format Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Doddy Ferdiansyah</name>
<street>Jl. Ganesa No.10</street>
<province>Jawa Barat</province>

The XML above is self-descriptive:

  • There is information about name (name)
  • There is information about age (age)
  • There is information about address (address)
    • There is information about street (street)
    • There is information about city (city)
    • There is information about province (province)
    • There is information about zip code (zip)

An XML document is structured like a tree that starts from the root, then branches, and ends at the leaves. An XML document must contain a root element which is the parent of other elements. On the given example, <person> is the root element.

The line <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> is usually called the XML Prolog. The XML Prolog is optional, but if there is, then it must be at the beginning of the XML document. On an XML document, all elements must have closing tags. Tags in XML are case sensitive, so the tag <person> is different from the tag <Person>.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a format that is designed to be easy to read, because each element in JSON is self-describing. JSON is commonly used in web and mobile applications for storage and transmission of data. Even though the syntax of JSON is based on JavaScript objects, JSON itself is a text format. Therefore, many programming languages have support for reading and creating JSON.

Example of JSON format:

"name": "Doddy Ferdiansyah",
"age": 25,
"address": {
"street": "Jl. Ganesa No.10",
"city": "Bandung",
"province": "Jawa Barat",
"zip": "40132"

Data in JSON is stored in the form of key and value. In the example above, the key is name, age, and address. The value can be of primitive data type (string, number, boolean) or an object.

Pre-Tutorial Notes

Before you start, and to ensure that you follow this tutorial correctly, we expect some results from tutorial 1:

  • Local directory structure mental-health-tracker should look like this.

Local Directory Structure

  • Repository structure mental-health-tracker on GitHub should look like this.

Repository Structure

Tutorial: Implementing the Skeleton of a View

Before creating a registraton form, we need to create a skeleton that acts as a base for the views of our website. With the base view, we can ensure consistency in the design of our website and reduce the possibility of redundancy of code. In this tutorial, we will create a skeleton for the website that we will create in the next tutorial.

  1. Create a directory templates in the main directory (root folder) and create a new HTML file named base.html. The base.html file acts as a base template that can be used as a generic view for other web pages within the project. Create the base.html file with the following code:

    {% load static %}
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    {% block meta %} {% endblock meta %}

    {% block content %} {% endblock content %}

    The lines enclosed in {% ... %} are called template tags in Django. The lines in this example will function to dynamically load data from Django into the HTML.

    In the example above, the {% block %} tag in Django is used to define an area in the template that can be replaced by templates that inherit from the base template. The inherited template will extend the base template (in this case base.html) and replace the content in the block as needed.

  2. Open the file in the project directory (mental_health_tracker) and find the line that contains the TEMPLATES variable. Adjust the code with the following code to make the base.html file detected as a template file.

    'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
    'DIRS': [BASE_DIR / 'templates'], # Add this line
    'APP_DIRS': True,

    In some cases, APP_DIRS's value on your TEMPLATES configuration might be False. If it is, change it to True. APP_DIRS's value must be True.

  3. In the subdirectory templates in the main directory (main/templates/), change the main.html file created in the previous tutorial to the following.

     {% extends 'base.html' %}
    {% block content %}
    <h1>Mental Health Tracker</h1>

    <h5>NPM: </h5>
    <p>{{ npm }}<p>

    <p>{{ name }}</p>

    <p>{{ class }}</p>
    {% endblock content %}

    Note that the code above is the same as the code in main.html in the previous tutorial. The difference is in the code above, we are using base.html as the main template.

Tutorial: Changing the Primary Key From Integer to UUID

To apply best practices from an application security standpoint, there are some changes that you need to make to the file on the main/ subdirectory. By default, the ID of each model object you create uses an incremental integer starting from 1. This could become an "entrypoint" for a security vulnerability in your Django application, as enumeration of object IDs within the application could be performed.

If you are interested about this security vulnerability, you can read more here in this article regarding IDOR. For now, we will focus on implementing the best practices to mitigate this vulnerability.


If you have already created an object to your model, you must delete your database file (db.sqlite3) first so that the next steps will not produce errors.

  1. Add these lines to the file on the main/ subdirectory.
import uuid  # add this line at the very top
class MoodEntry(models.Model):
id = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False) # add this line
mood = models.CharField(max_length=255)
time = models.DateField(auto_now_add=True)
feelings = models.TextField()
mood_intensity = models.IntegerField()
  1. Do a model migration by running the commands below.


    python makemigrations
    python migrate

    Unix (Linux/macOS):

    python3 makemigrations
    python3 migrate

Tutorial: Creating Form Input Data and Displaying Data Mood Entry on HTML

Until now, no data has been added and displayed in the application. Now, we will create a simple form to input a Mood Entry data in the application so that we can add new data to be displayed on the main page.

  1. Create a new file in the main directory with the name to create the structure of the form that can receive new Mood Entry datas. Add the following code to the file.

    from django.forms import ModelForm
    from main.models import MoodEntry

    class MoodEntryForm(ModelForm):
    class Meta:
    model = MoodEntry
    fields = ["mood", "feelings", "mood_intensity"]

    Code Explanation:

    • model = MoodEntry to indicate the model that will be used for the form. When data from the form is saved, the form's input will be saved as an object of MoodEntry.
    • fields = ["mood", "feelings", "mood_intensity"] to indicate the fields of the MoodEntry model that will be used for the form. The time field is not included in the fields list because it will be added automatically.
  2. Open the file in the main directory and add the following import at the top of the file.

    from django.shortcuts import render, redirect   # Add import redirect at this line
    from main.forms import MoodEntryForm
    from main.models import MoodEntry
  3. In the same file, create a new function with the name create_mood_entry that receives a parameter request. Add the following code below to produce a form that can automatically add a Mood Entry data automatically when data is submitted from the form.

    def create_mood_entry(request):
    form = MoodEntryForm(request.POST or None)

    if form.is_valid() and request.method == "POST":
    return redirect('main:show_main')

    context = {'form': form}
    return render(request, "create_mood_entry.html", context)

    Code Explanation:

    • form = MoodEntryForm(request.POST or None) is used to create a new MoodEntryForm with the input from the user in request.POST entered into the QueryDict.
    • form.is_valid() is used to validate the input from the form.
    • is used to create and save the data from the form.
    • return redirect('main:show_main') is used to perform a redirect to the show_main function in the main application's views after the form data is successfully saved.
  4. Change the show_main function that already exists in the file to the following.

    def show_main(request):
    mood_entries = MoodEntry.objects.all()

    context = {
    'name': 'Pak Bepe',
    'class': 'PBP KKI',
    'npm': '2306123456',
    'mood_entries': mood_entries

    return render(request, "main.html", context)

    Code Explanation:

    The MoodEntry.objects.all() function is used to retrieve all objects of the MoodEntry objects stored in the database.

  5. Open the file in the main directory and import the create_mood_entry function that you just created.

    from main.views import show_main, create_mood_entry
  6. Add the URL path to the urlpatterns variable in the file in the main directory to access the function that was imported in the previous point.

    urlpatterns = [
    path('create-mood-entry', create_mood_entry, name='create_mood_entry'),
  7. Create a new HTML file with the name create_mood_entry.html in the main/templates directory. Fill in the create_mood_entry.html file with the following code.

    {% extends 'base.html' %} 
    {% block content %}
    <h1>Add New Mood Entry</h1>

    <form method="POST">
    {% csrf_token %}
    {{ form.as_table }}
    <input type="submit" value="Add Mood Entry" />

    {% endblock %}

    Code Explanation:

    • <form method="POST"> is used to indicate the block for the form with the POST method.
    • {% csrf_token %} is a token that functions as a security system. The token is automatically generated by Django to prevent attacks.
    • {{ form.as_table }} is a template tag used to display the form fields created in the file as a table.
    • <input type="submit" value="Add Mood Entry"/> is used as a submit button to send the request to the create_mood_entry(request) view.
  8. Open the main.html file and add the following code within the {% block content %} block to display the data in the form in the form of a table and the "Add New Mood Entry" button that will redirect to the form page.

    {% if not mood_entries %}
    <p>There are no mood data in mental health tracker.</p>
    {% else %}
    <th>Mood Name</th>
    <th>Mood Intensity</th>

    {% comment %} This is how to display mood data
    {% endcomment %}
    {% for mood_entry in mood_entries %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}

    <br />

    <a href="{% url 'main:create_mood_entry' %}">
    <button>Add New Mood Entry</button>
    {% endblock content %}
  9. Run the Django project with the python runserver command and go to http://localhost:8000/ in your browser of choice. Try adding some new mood data and you should be able to see the added data on the main application page.

Tutorial: Returning Data in XML Format

  1. Open the file in the main directory and add the HttpResponse and Serializer imports at the top of the file.

    from django.http import HttpResponse
    from django.core import serializers
  2. Create a new function that receives a parameter request with the name show_xml and create a variable in the function itself that stores the result of the query of all data in the MoodEntry.

    def show_xml(request):
    data = MoodEntry.objects.all()
  3. Add the return function as an HttpResponse that contains the serialised data result as XML and the content_type="application/xml".

    def show_xml(request):
    data = MoodEntry.objects.all()
    return HttpResponse(serializers.serialize("xml", data), content_type="application/xml")

    Code Explanation:

    serializers is used to translate object models into other formats such as in this case XML.

  4. Open the file in the main directory and import the function that you just created.

    from main.views import show_main, create_mood_entry, show_xml
  5. Add the URL path to the urlpatterns variable in the file in the main directory to access the function that was imported in the previous point.

    path('xml/', show_xml, name='show_xml'),
  6. Run the Django project with the python runserver command and go to http://localhost:8000/xml/ in your browser of choice to see the result.

Tutorial: Returning Data in JSON Format

  1. Open the file in the main directory and create a new function that receives a parameter request with the name show_json with a variable in the function itself that stores the result of the query of all data in the MoodEntry.

    def show_json(request):
    data = MoodEntry.objects.all()
  2. Add the return function as an HttpResponse that contains the serialised data result as JSON and the content_type="application/json".

    def show_json(request):
    data = MoodEntry.objects.all()
    return HttpResponse(serializers.serialize("json", data), content_type="application/json")
  3. Open the file in the main directory and import the function that you just created.

    from main.views import show_main, create_mood_entry, show_xml, show_json
  4. Add the URL path to the urlpatterns variable in the file in the main directory to access the function that was imported in the previous point.

    path('json/', show_json, name='show_json'),
  5. Run the Django project with the python runserver command and go to http://localhost:8000/json/ in your browser of choice to see the result.

Tutorial: Returning Data Based on an ID in XML and JSON Format

  1. Open the file in the main directory and create two new functions that receive a parameter request and id with the names show_xml_by_id and show_json_by_id.

  2. Create a variable in the function itself that stores the result of the query of data with the specific ID that exists in the MoodEntry.

    data = MoodEntry.objects.filter(pk=id)
  3. Add the return function as an HttpResponse that contains the serialised data result as JSON or XML and the content_type with the value "application/xml" (for XML) or "application/json" (for JSON).

    • XML

      def show_xml_by_id(request, id):
      data = MoodEntry.objects.filter(pk=id)
      return HttpResponse(serializers.serialize("xml", data), content_type="application/xml")
    • JSON

      def show_json_by_id(request, id):
      data = MoodEntry.objects.filter(pk=id)
      return HttpResponse(serializers.serialize("json", data), content_type="application/json")
  4. Open the file in the main directory and import the function that you just created.

    from main.views import show_main, create_mood_entry, show_xml, show_json, show_xml_by_id, show_json_by_id
  5. Add the URL path to the urlpatterns variable in the file in the main directory to access the function that was imported in the previous point.

    path('xml/<str:id>/', show_xml_by_id, name='show_xml_by_id'),
    path('json/<str:id>/', show_json_by_id, name='show_json_by_id'),
  6. Run the Django project with the python runserver command and go to http://localhost:8000/xml/[id]/ or http://localhost:8000/json/[id]/ in your browser of choice to see the result.

    Note: Adjust the [id] in the URL above with the ID of the object that you want to see.

Tutorial: Using Postman as a Data Viewer

  1. Ensure that the server is running with the python runserver command.

  2. Open Postman and create a new request with the method GET and url http://localhost:8000/xml/ or http://localhost:8000/json/ to test whether the data is sent correctly.

    Postman Installation Guide can be found on the Postman official website.

    Example: Postman Page

  3. Click the Send button to send the request.

  4. You will see the result of the response from the request in the bottom of Postman.

    Postman Response

  5. You can also change the url to http://localhost:8000/xml/[id] or http://localhost:8000/json/[id] to test the retrieval of data based on an ID.

    Response Detail Postman

Tutorial: Deploying to PWS Automatically With GitHub Actions


As of right now, PWS is not yet stable. You can still follow the instructions on this step, but please do note that the deployment in PWS can still fail.

On the previous tutorials, if you want to deploy to the PWS and push your changes to GitHub, you need to do two separate pushes, to GitHub (git push origin main) and to the PWS (git push pws master). On this tutorial, you will create a script that can help you deploy to the PWS and also push the changes to GitHub with only one push command. You only need to do the steps below carefully.

  1. On the root directory of your Django project, create a subdirectory named .github. In that subdirectory, create another subdirectory named workflows. Enter that directory (.github/workflows/).

  2. Create a file named deploy.yml. Fill the files with the code below.

    name: Push to PWS

    branches: [ main ]
    - '**.md'
    branches: [ main ]
    - '**.md'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - name: Checkout code
    uses: actions/checkout@v2
    fetch-depth: 0

    - name: Set up Git
    run: |
    git config --global 'github-actions[bot]'
    git config --global 'github-actions[bot]'

    - name: Check PWS remote, pull, merge, and push
    PWS_URL: ${{ secrets.PWS_URL }}
    run: |
    # Check if master branch exists locally
    if ! git show-ref --verify --quiet refs/heads/master; then
    echo "Creating master branch"
    git branch master

    # Switch to master branch
    git checkout master

    # Push to master branch and capture the output
    push_output=$(git push $PWS_URL main:master 2>&1)
    if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
    echo "Push failed with output: $push_output"
    echo "Error: Unable to push changes. Please check the error message above and resolve any conflicts manually."
    exit 1
    echo "Push successful with output: $push_output"

    Do not push this code yet.

  3. On your GitHub repository, go to Settings > Secrets and variables > Actions. You will be directed to a page with this interface.

    Screenshot of Action secrets and variables page

    Press New repository secret to add a secret variable on your repository.

  4. Fill in Name with PWS_URL. Then, fill the Secret with data using this format

    https://<sso.username>:<PWS project password><sso.username>/<project name>

For example, if your SSO username is hanni.pham, your project password is abcd1234, and your project name is supernatural, then you need to fill your Secret as shown here:

Example of secret values

If you are sure that the URL that you wrote is correct, press Add Secret to add the repository secret.

  1. On the file on your project, add this line of code to the bottom-most of the file.

    CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = ["http://localhost","","http://<YOUR_PWS_URL>", "https://<YOUR_PWS_URL>"]

    Make sure to replace <YOUR_PWS_URL> to the deployment URL of your PWS project.

  2. Do git add, commit, and push to GitHub. After that, open your repository page. Wait for a moment, and you should see a yellow indicator next to your commit message.

    Yellow indicator example

  3. After the yellow indicator turns to a green checkmark, you can check your project page on PWS. There should be a new deployment that is building.


    If the indicator turns to a red cross, that could mean there are some steps that you did not do correctly. If you have checked your deploy.yml file is correct, you can try to re-add the repository secret on step 4.

After adding this script, you don't need to do git push pws master every time you want to deploy to the PWS. Now, every time you push to GitHub on the main branch, GitHub Actions will automatically push your project to PWS according to the last commit that you have pushed, therefore triggering a build process on your PWS project.


  1. After completing this tutorial, the web page you should see should look like this.

    Web Result

  2. At the end of this tutorial, the local directory structure should look like this.

    Final Directory Structure

  3. Before performing this step, ensure that the local directory structure is correct. Then, perform add, commit, and push to update the GitHub repository.

  4. Run the following command to perform add, commit, and push.

    git add .
    git commit -m "<commit_message>"
    git push -u origin <main_branch>
    • Change <commit_message> according to your preference. Example: git commit -m "finished tutorial 2".
    • Change <main_branch> according to the name of the main branch. Example: git push -u origin main or git push -u origin master.

Additional Reference


  • Martin Marcelino Tarigan
  • Sabrina Atha Shania
  • Muhammad Daffa'I Rafi Prasetyo
  • Resanda Dezca Asyam
  • Muhammad Nabil Mu'afa
  • Muhammad Oka (EN Translation)


This tutorial was developed based on PBP Odd 2024 and PBP Even 2024 written by the 2024 Platform-Based Programming Teaching Team. All tutorials and instructions included in this repository are designed so that students who are taking Platform-Based Programming courses can complete the tutorials during lab sessions.